1.2 Installing

To install from the binaries, be sure to download the version of Psyco that corresponds to your Python version. Binary released are at http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=41036. Three pre-compiled versions are currently distributed:

File name  Python version 
psyco-x.y.z-OS-2.1 2.1 or any 2.1.x
psyco-x.y.z-OS-2.2.0-1 2.2 older than 2.2.2
psyco-x.y.z-OS-2.2.2 2.2.2 and up

x.y.z is the Psyco version number, and OS is the operating system this version has been compiled for.

A 2.3 version is developed in parallel with Python 2.3 itself. A binary for 2.3 will be provided as soon as Python 2.3 is released. In the meantime, compiling Psyco against the Python CVS should work seamlessly.

The binaries contain a subdirectory named psyco which is a Python package (which you can check by looking for the __init__.py file it contains). Just drop this directory into your site-package directory. In other words, you need a directory .../python2.x/lib/site-packages/psyco/ which contains the files __init__.py, core.py, and so on.

Alternatively, run the top-level installation script setup.py as follows:

python setup.py install