A.2 Patched functions

When Psyco starts, it replaces a few functions from the __builtin__ and sys modules with a version of its own. This trick fails if you made a copy of one of these functions elsewhere before Psyco has a chance to replace it, because the old copy will not behave properly in the presence of Psyco.

Built-in function  Notes 
locals (1)
vars (1) when called with no argument
dir (1) when called with no argument
eval (2) when called with a single argument
execfile (2) when called with a single argument
input (2)
sys._getframe (3)


A function run by Psyco has no locals dictionary. Trying to access it returns an empty dictionary and issues a psyco.warning.
Functions performing dynamic evaluations cannot see the current locals. You should explicitely supply a globals and/or locals dictionary to these functions. They issue a psyco.warning if you don't. Use raw_input and eval instead of input.
Frames corresponding to Psyco-evaluated functions are incomplete, as described in section A.1.

Additionally, the exec statement is not supported yet, as seen in section A.3.